
Why Orthotic Check ups are so important

We know orthotic check ups are easy to overlook if everything feels ok…….BUT sometimes this can be deceiving.

Just like the dentist, if you don’t have your regular check up, you run the risk of unnecessary trouble creeping up on you.

So what does this mean?

The clever things we hide inside your shoes stop your feet and legs drifting out of alignment. If your feet drift out of alignment, the knees, legs, hips and spine follow. If your orthotic check is overdue, the drifting is already happening. Don’t try telling yourself it’s not.
The further away you drift, the more joint stress, wear and tear and compensation occurs, plus the unnecessary energy you’re having to waste managing it. That’s not good news now and even worse news later on.
Arthritis and compensatory muscle soreness during and after exercise can also begin to occur. GOOD alignment and function helps improve you efficiency, balance, speed, endurance and coordination.

We want to encourage you to look after your orthotics AND If you do, you can look forward to all the good things that come with it; performance, longevity and the health of your feet, legs, knees, hips and spine. Set aside 20 minutes once a year and we will take care of the rest for you.

Why Orthotic Check ups are so important Read More »


Spring has surely sprung and with people coming out of winter and Covid hibernation , PodMED Podiatry and our generous friends at The Athlete’s Foot Bondi Junction are giving you the chance to WIN one of 10 x $200 vouchers towards a pair of shoes.

To be in the running to win all you have to do is one or more of the following before Saturday 17th October :

1.Have an appointment booked with us = 1 entry

2.Book yourself an Orthotic check-up = 2 entries

3.Order a new set of orthotic devices = 3 entries

Winners will be contacted on Tuesday 20th October. Best of luck everyone!


Book your FREE steps study and get a FREE voucher to The Athlete’s Foot

In our 15 minute step study, your podiatrist will check your foot type, as well as assess your walking and running gait.

From our assessments, we will be able to give you a personalised footwear recommendation. We work closely with the team at Athlete’s Foot in Bondi Junction, and each participant in the step study will receive a $25 voucher along with our footwear prescription.

So book your FREE step study now with either Rob, Anneliese, Angus or Sam

Book your FREE steps study and get a FREE voucher to The Athlete’s Foot Read More »

Covid-19 update to get us all through this lockdown 25/06/2021

The NSW Department of Health have cleared us to to remain open during lock down

To stay in alignment with regulations we have put in the following measures –


– We have reduced the number of Podiatrists working each day

-Spaced appointment times out


– The usual SMS, call or email TWO days before your appointment

– A call, text or email the DAY BEFORE all booked appointments to patients who do not reply to our Standard appointment reminder call, SMS and or email two days before the appointment is due.


– We ask all patients to arrive to the clinic at the time of their appointment. Not early and to contact us if running late.

– We ask all patients kindly wait outside the clinic until they are invited inside. Call the clinic or make yourself known to a member of staff from outside.

– Sanitation stations, masks and gloves will continue to be provided to all visiting patients.

We ask that all clients respect the boundaries we have implemented in the interests of every individual in our care and our staff

– For all patients now considered ”high risk”, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0293631876 or [email protected] to discuss your options.

We are all in this together – again!

We look forward to seeing you at your next appointment.

Kindest Regards,

PodMED Team

Sam, Rob, Anneliese, Angus, Claire, Amanda and Isabella

Covid-19 update to get us all through this lockdown 25/06/2021 Read More »

COMPETITION giveaway – be in the running to WIN a pair of The Athlete’s Foot shoes of your choice

We have teamed up with our generous friends at The Athlete’s Foot Bondi Junction to give you the chance to WIN a pair of shoes of your choice! There are six pairs up for grabs!
To be in the running to win all you have to do is one or both of the following before Saturday 2nd October 2021:
1.Have an appointment booked with us = 1 entry
2.Write a google review for PodMED using link https://bit.ly/3f8ZUDu = bonus entry

Winners will be contacted on Wednesday 6th October 2021. Best of luck everyone!

* For clients that have had an appointment in the past two weeks or written us a review recently we will automatically include you!

COMPETITION giveaway – be in the running to WIN a pair of The Athlete’s Foot shoes of your choice Read More »

FOUR DAYS LEFT to be in with the chance to WIN a pair of The Athlete’s Foot shoes of your choice

PodMED and The Athlete’s Foot Bondi Junction have teamed up to give you the chance to WIN a pair of shoes of your choice! There are six pairs up for grabs! To be in the running to win, simply give PodMED a Google Review using the link https://bit.ly/3f8ZUDu by midnight Monday 4th October Winners will be contacted on Wednesday

FOUR DAYS LEFT to be in with the chance to WIN a pair of The Athlete’s Foot shoes of your choice Read More »